
Examples in this training materials may contain hypothetical situations and results. There are tremendous limitations inherent in the use of hypothetical results and you should not assume that your investments will perform similarly or that you will not lose money.
Any discussions and examples in this training are meant to educate and cannot be considered, in any way of form, as investment advice or financial planning advice.

I believe in the concepts presented in this training material and use hypothetical data to educate students in this training. It should not be construed as actual performance nor should you expect your portfolio performance to replicate hypothetical results.

Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will either be suitable or profitable for an investor’s investment portfolio. Millen Livis, Managing Partner of Livis Group, LLC, is not an investment advisor, financial planner, attorney nor accountant, and no portion of this training or her website(s) content should be interpreted as specific investment, legal, accounting or tax advice.

Furthermore, the prospective investor is solely responsible for determining whether any investment, security or strategy, or any other product or service, is appropriate or suitable for you, the investor. The financial outcome may vary based on the prospective investor’s investment objectives and personal and financial situation. The investor should consult with an investment professional, financial planner, an attorney or tax professional regarding their specific investment, legal or tax situation.

Legal Disclosure:

This material is offered for educational purposes only and cannot be considered or interpreted as investment advice. Make sure you do your own analysis and work with financial industry licensed professional. Before you invest your money in ANY financial instrument, remember that your capital is at risk as the value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may get back less than originally invested. Profits vary and are not guaranteed in any investing.

Examples in this training materials may contain hypothetical situations and results. There are tremendous limitations inherent in the use of hypothetical results and you should not assume that your investments will perform similarly or that you will not lose money.

Any discussions and examples in this training are meant to educate and cannot be considered, in any way of form, as investment advice or financial planning advice.

I believe in the concepts presented in this training material and use hypothetical data to educate students in this training. It should not be construed as actual performance nor should you expect your portfolio performance to replicate hypothetical results.